Welcome & IntroductionB.W. Zimmerman & Associates (BWZA) is a Harrisburg, PA-based professional consulting firm with offices located in Harrisburg, PA and outside Philadelphia, PA. We specialize in providing professional advisory services to a variety of public and private clients. We offer a unique combination of strong analytical skills, common sense, and proven abilities to appreciate, understand and successfully address the complex strategic challenges you are facing. We are dedicated to giving you prompt, complete and fully satisfying services. Our Guiding Values
Our Special Capabilities
Our Experience
Proven Capabilities
Contact Us TodayFor more information on how we can be of immediate assistance to you, please contact us at: 4811 Jonestown Road, Suite 227 Harrisburg, PA 17109-1751 Phone: 717-657-6240 Fax: 717-657-6245We are eager to tell you more about our customers, principals, and special capabilities. Thank you! |
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