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2nd Annual Walk to D'Feet ALS

We hope you joined us at the 2002 Walk to D'Feet ALS!
The Walk
was held Sunday, June 9. |
Registration was from
8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. |
 | The Walk started at
10:30 a.m. -- it was a day of fun for PALS, their families, friends, neighbors and acquaintances |
 | There were continued
festivities after all Walkers returned to the Carousel Pavilion -- including music by DJ Outlaw
Enterprises, fun &
games for the kids, mascots, refreshments and PRIZES & AWARDS!! |
 | To see the article that
appeared in the Harrisburg Patriot News the day after the Walk, please see the 2002 Initial Report |
 | For more information
about City Island and Riverfront Park, please visit our Walk
information page. |
Thank You from Everyone to Our 2002 Cash Sponsors
Aetna |
TransCore |
Ascom Transport Systems |
Aventis |
Twin County Construction
Company |
Pennsy Supply |
Info-Matrix |
KCI Technologies |
Slusser Brothers |
Hershey Foods |
Street Smarts |
Kickoff Luncheon
 | This year's Kick-off
Luncheon took place at noon on Friday, April 19 at the Harrisburg-Hershey Marriott at
4650 Lindle Road. Families and companies were invited to send as many people as they think will
be necessary to help organize their team of walkers. |
 | For more information
regarding the Kickoff Luncheon, please contact Julie Morrison at The ALS Association, Greater
Philadelphia Chapter:
Mock ALS Clinic
 | Dr. Zachary Simmons and
Ms. Susan Walsh made arrangements for interested parties to participate in a mock ALS
Clinic experience at the Hershey Medical Center on Friday, May 10, 2002. |
For More Information about the Walk
Team Captain folders
and Walker brochures are now available!!
If you would like to know
more about the Harrisburg Walk to D'Feet ALS, please contact us:
Thank You for Your Support of
the Walk to D'Feet ALS!
